Saturday, April 27, 2013

Skin Whitening Part II!

So, yeah.. technically yesterday's post was a bit of rush... So today, I wanted to show you the harmful effect of the sun, when you are out running without using your sunblock. I decided to be thick skinned and see whether this KOJIC soap really works, and whether it helps in whitening and taking care of the pigmentation!

So this morning, I decided to go for a run, without using my sunblock ( THE HORROR!) and I was out in the sun for about an hour. So I came home, getting ready to take my shower and took a photo before I applied my KOJIC soap all over my body and face.

And after using it, I took another shot inside my toilet... There was no change of lighting what so ever. I used my trust worthy iPhone 4S... And here is the FREAKING results!!!:-

Can you see the difference?!?!... KOJIC ACID SOAP actually makes my skin tone lighter in just ONE wash! Or one shower... or whatever you called it!... AWESOME or what!!!... Just look at how oily, dark, dusky my skin before I took a shower... Its oily, my forehead is darker, the uneven skin tone!!! :P

And this is taken in my room after I apply my daily face routine (toner and sunblock). Of cos, my room lighting is under fluorescent lighting... ANYTHING that is FLUORESCENT will appear a bit lighter on pictures... That's the trick... BUT BUT BUT, usually, when I take a picture in my room, I don't have that skin tone!

I AM SOLD! KOJIC ACID SOAP actually works!

For those of you who still can't see the difference, this is a picture taken before I shower and after... CHECK OUT THE difference in the color skin tone!!!... NO EDITING, no filter, no whatsoever!!!... RAW pictures taken from my iPhone 4S! woo hoo!

So I hoped by continuing using Kojic Acid soap, I will be able to lighten up my skin tone from its original color and able to maintain it... *fingers cross.

I will update you on my skin lightening progress in a months time! So make a date with me on 25th MAY 2013!!! I am so psyched!

ps : the reason why I had to cover my eyes bcos I'm not wearing any lenses... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..

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