Friday, May 24, 2013

Freshlook Colorblends

Guess what I bought across the causeway?

FRESHLOOK colorblends contact lens! It was such a good offer! 1 box is going at RM60.00 and if you get 2 boxes, you will get ONE free box...

So, do the maths RM120.00 for 3 boxes and if you do a conversion, that's about $16.00 SINGAPORE DOLLARS! Here in Singapore, the sales that I've seen are going at $88.00 for 4 boxes ($22.00 each). SO EXPENSIVE...

I bought it at Aeon Shopping Mall at Bukit Indah, Johore Bahru. These are the top 3 colors that I have always wanted to try.

Ironically, the first ever paired of colored contact lenses that I bought way back when I knew how to insert one, were from Freshlook Colors. They no longer carry those anymore. I used to love their gray and since I am in love with green, I have to grab the green ones.

And of course, Pure Hazel is one of the favorite colors here and its one of the most natural colors for Asian skin tone. I can't wait to try on the Pure Hazel!!!

And as usual, the packages of the product! I CANNOT WAIT to try these babies on!


  1. Try colored lenses virtually through before making a purchase

  2. Great review, thanks for sharing it here !

    Just for your info. you can also check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty : )

