Sunday, October 6, 2013

Freshlook colorblends green review

For the month of October, I decided to pop this baby IN! Freshlook Colorblends in GREEN!...

Honestly, the color is VERY dark on my eyes. You can't hardly see them if you are indoors. But it looks pretty when you are outdoors.

This shot was taken without flash, but during the DAY, when the sun was SUPER bright and as you can see, the green lens are rather dark in color.

Personally, these lens are very safe for work. Its very dark, and people won't even tell that you are wearing them. My friend who usually takes notice of my eyes, can't even tell whether I was wearing colored lens and she had to look closely cos yes, it is that DARK green.

So, I'm not a fan of its color, and neither AM I a fan of the comfort... So I won't be purchasing these babies ever again. I would rather buy the pure hazel, which is SO much lighter in color!

For the color lens to be obvious, you have to use a lot of bright lights or simply go outdoors instead of staying indoors, cos the color won't show that much! ;)

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