Thursday, January 15, 2015

Korean Lens (Geo CM902)

2015... Its a brand new year,,,
And I have a review on the latest colored lens from Korea... The biggest circle colored contact lens in Korea - The Geo series.

I did not shave... LOL.. and I did not edit the pics. No filter at all. Taken from my iPhone.

These are the specification
Lens: Geo Contact Lens
Model : CM902 aka Tri Color Brown aka Berry Chessy
Diameter : 14.2mm
Base curve : 8.60mm 

There are a lot of reviews and a lot of wearers have nothing but praise for these lens! Yes. It is very hazel in color. At times, it has that tinge of green and light brown. I would have to add, it is much lighter than Freshlook Colorblends Hazel. 

I would say the color is very natural, unless someone literally comes into your personal space. It is not as comfortable as some of the Geo lenses that I've wore. These lens are generally okay, better than Freshlook Colorblends when it comes to comfort. 

This is an up close picture! its very light... :)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Freshlook Colorblends - Brown review

Surprisingly, my skin and hair happened to be rather in "good" and "tame" condition. Before I head off to spend the Saturday night away, I decided to take a few photos and review the Freshlook Colorblends in Brown.

Apparently, when I do my Google search on the brown edition, there are not many review photos out there! I wonder why?

I actually love the color very much! Its very caramel brown and suit my skin perfectly! I had wore this for a few days and people kept commenting that my eyes look very nice! I had tons of compliments with this color! 

It does look very dark chocolate now doesn't it, compare to the Freshlook Colorblends Hazel which is far more lighter. Apparently, it enhanced my dark eyes pretty much!

Upclose shot! Look at how pretty the brown color is! I actually love the color, but for comfort wise, I give it a minus. I have to admit, Freshlook colorblends are by far the worst colored lens when it comes to comfort! But, I do admit, they have very nice colored lens especially for dark brown eyes...

Everytime I wore these lens, my vision is rather affected and gets very blurry. It feels really uncomfortable, and made you aware that there is a foreign object on your eyes! I don't really enjoy wearing these lens.

For me, I wore these lens during the day, cos it looks very obvious under the sunlight and when you are outdoors. I usually wore these when I go out with my friends. I don't wear it during my working hours, cos its so blurry and gives me a headache!


I wish I don't have to edit my pictures until I have this kind of glow on my skin! LOL. Overall, I ABSOLUTELY love the color... But for comfort wise, NAH... I'll give it a pass. I won't buy these lens again. 

Have a good weekend! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Maxim Contact Lens - Hazel

For the month of September, I tried on the Maxim Contact Lens - Hazel...

The color is very subtle and its safe to use for work... But I had problems with these set of lens. Apparently, I can only wear it for a few hours and it started to itch like crazy!

I concluded that these lens could be defects and I was so disappointed!

These lens have the enlargement effect which I like. Its only 14.2mm but its properties are good enough for those enlargement which I need.

I am only sad and appalled that I could only wear these lens for 2 days and it started to itch really crazy that I had to take it out and my eyes started to turn red. Bummer.

These what the lens look like and the blue box! SO SO SO disappointed with the defects but I will be definitely grab again one of these for work purposes! Its a very nice dark brown color.. I won't called it hazel though...

Aniways, I found a picture which I like when I was wearing the Maxim Contact Lens in Gray. 

My reviews for the lens here!!! Maxim contact lens in gray.
I don't really like the gray lens... Give me Freshlook Colorblends in Gray, anytime... 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Freshkon colors fusion - groovy green

If my memory served me well, I did write my review on the freshkon colors fusion - groovy green. But since I enjoyed the color so much, might was well show it off with a much clearer picture!

I have to say, this is probably one of the nicest green contact lenses from Freshkon. The color is not that opaque and its quite safe for work purposes.

My earlier review here.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Freshkon colors fusion sparklers

Freshkon colors fusion sparklers : In Shimmering Grey

I absolutely love this design and the color in shimmering grey so much... BUT, I accidentally tore them on the 1st day I opened the product! AND THIS was my first ever color fusion sparkles series!!! UPSET much! Very....

So I was left with only a piece. I don't know how I managed to tear that piece, but when I tried to wear the lens, it hurt like a bit*h, so I took it out and realised it was torn! Bummer!

Oh well... Just look at the design of the lens. Its so pretty!

It gives quite a bluish tinted, though its very much grey in most of the pics that I took. I can't recommend whether these lenses are super comfortable, cos I've never wore it more than 8 hours...

Oh well... Here are the pictures.

That's just the light coming out from my room! The color is very noticeable and very pretty!

Yes.. I have relatively small IRIS!... Look at how these lenses just add live to my dead eyes! LOL...

So, if I do go out.. I have to keep covering my LEFT eye! LOL!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Maxim Contact Lens - Cocoa!

I will say this again... I AM a huge fan of MAXIM contact lens! They are super COMFORTABLE and, most of the colors are gorgeous... I won't say all, but most...

Here's a review on the big eyes (blue box) lens in cocoa!

I love the cocoa color. It looks subtle, but it has that kind of enhancement effect which I like. Its not like in your face kind, and I feel that it looks better than Freshkon brown series... The colors do show off in ordinary lightings...

Over exposed picture, but you get it. It looks lighter when there's more light...

As you can see, the up-closed picture looks kinda pink or orangey. I have to admit, it does appear orange tinted on my eyes... But I have to say, it looks very nice! The limbal rings are there to enhance your eyes and it does give a slight enlargement which I like.

Here's some of the shots using my samsung galaxy S4.

Overall, I LOVE these lenses. Yes, it is comfortable. It is so comfortable that I can wear it as long as 10 hours straight. I don't have to use any eye drops!

The design of the lens are quite alright, but the colors are very gorgeous!

Other maxim contact lens colors :-

1. Gray

2. Kiwi Green.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Maxim Contact Lens

In Big Color Eyes - GRAY!

This is probably the most decent shot after several takes, in very bright lighting. I had to use the light that is shinning outside from my house.

I can't remembered when I had these. Its probably very long time ago. And the main reason why I didn't do the review any sooner, because I find that the color is very boring and not that obvious.

This is probably how it looks like, at the most natural set of lighting. Very safe if you want to wear this at work!

Of course, I am a huge fan of MAXIM contant lens because it is SO COMFORTABLE! I can wear this for more than 8 hours and it does not even stick to my eye balls! And I don't even need to use eye drops.

The only flipside is the color. I really think that its just TOO dark for my liking.

For enlargement wise, its only 14.0, but I feel it makes my iris slightly bigger. So, i'm okay with the size. Here's a close up.

That's the pattern, and it has quite an obvious limbal ring. That's why your eyes will look slightly bigger! But I swear, the color is not really that obvious!

Will I buy these again? Probably when I start working next year. But for color enhancement wise, NOPE.. I'll rather choose grey lens that are more obvious like FRESHLOOK colorblends.