Thursday, October 25, 2012

Geomedical Nudy Soul series - GREEN!

I am so deliriously excited to show you my favorite circle lens from Geomedical! Its awesome! I remember doing research on which Geo circle lens that I should invest in. A lot of people have recommended me the Geo Nudy Series, and I had to grab it!

As usual, I bought it from or the softlens shop for short. HAHAHA.. I love shopping at softlens shop! They are super amazing!

Ok, back to the circle lens. I actually bought it in August, but I only managed to try it on last week. The main reason why I took so long was because I was already wearing my Freshkon - Cool Green (which I will be doing a review later)...

So back to the lens!
I had such a hard time trying to take this shot! The lens kept moving away from my view! HAHAHAHA.. Aniways, this is the Nudy Soul - kiwi green (AN A43) for those who wants to make their lives easier to locate the lens. When I saw the color, I was quite taken aback because it sure looks like kiwi, and I thought it will be too bright.

Diameter: 14.2mm
BC: 8.7mm
Water: 38%
Life span: 1 year

Lets check out the colors in my eyes!

I absolutely adore this circle lens and I'll tell you why! My dark eyes blend with the kiwi green so well that it gives a very unique green color! And above all, it comes with a limbal ring which I ADORE!... I love circle lens with limbal rings! It creates a much brighter, bigger eyes! Don't you agree?

Now, on to the review!

COMFORT: (9/10)
I fell in love with Geo medical lens since I started using them! Hahaha. These lens are so comfortable! I can wear it for 8 hours without my eyes feeling tired or dry. There are no red spots or lines even after 8 hours of wear!

But if your eyes started to have those red lines, it means it needs oxygen, SO PLEASE take your lens out!!

HONESTLY, Nudy Soul has the most awesome design! Its so subtle, only if someone stare directly in your eyes that you will notice the pattern. If not, it looks very natural and the color really suits those with tan or dark skin (like myself! yeah!) And the color is not like "IN YOUR FACE" kind, so its very safe to wear it during work, if you are scared that your boss will make noise or think that your eyes are too distracting!

It does make my eyes look bigger!
See!... though its only 14.2mm, but it makes your iris looks bigger, though not that HUGE!
My hair is in a mess!...
Aniways, I received so much compliments from my friend and I have been using them for only 4 days!

The only complain that I have is that they only come in PLANO. No degree available. That pretty much sucks for those who doesn't have a perfect eye sight! I can wear lens without degree, but I prefer to have it at least a -0.5 so that it will appear a bit sharp.

Because me and colored contact lens have this disagreement which causes my eyes to be very blurry and my vision to be a bit cloudy than usual. So I need to add a few degree to the lens.

Remember to check out the other Nudy Souls colors! My friends have it in choco brown and moon gray! They looked stunning with them!

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