Friday, October 26, 2012

Freshkon Cool Green

So I bought Freshkon Cool Green lens all the way back in August 2012. I had a good deal actually. It was one of the festive season, and they had an offer of 3 boxes going at $60 with one box free! That means 4 boxes of Freshkon at only $15 freaking dollars!... so cheap!

The one that caught my eyes was the cool green! This is the freshkon colors fusion edition.

I was so excited when I got this pair, BCOS ever since I had lasik on my eyes in 2008, I never once inserted colored lens in my eyes! Before lasik, my eyes were never my original dark brown colors!

Diameter: 14.2mm
BC: 8.7mm
Water: 55%
Life span: 1 month

Here's my review!

COMFORT: (7/10)
I remember putting it on for the first time, and I don't like the feeling at all! Maybe it was because my eyes need to readjust to color contact lens. It takes a while for me to feel comfortable and they haziness, blurry vision persist for quite some time. I totally dislike wearing it and it gave me a headache a few times. 

After a few weeks, it was getting better though I do feel that my vision was very blurry due to the lens. I was using plano, and I realised that I need to add a few degree (-0.5) for future colored lens! 

I can wear these lens up to more than 8 hrs without feeling my eyes exhausted! Though when it hit 10 hrs, I can feel that my eyes are tired and was craving for oxygen! Hahahah.

I ABSOLUTELY adore the GREEN! Its very bright, and even in the darkest night or indoors, the color is very IN YOUR face kind!
For those who wants a lighter shades of green should definitely grab these lens! Its very awesome color though the minus point of these lens, it doesn't have a limbal ring. :(

It does make my eyes bigger... Its diameter is 14.2mm, but it sure makes my eyes pop!
So, for a monthly lens, I assumed that its pretty decent that you can extend its lifespan if you take care of it properly. I mean, I can wear these lens for nearly 2 months!

One of those shots when my hair looks tame! ROLF!

I found a good website where you can get cheaper LENS in Singapore. CHEAP colored contact lens I say!... Here's where you can grab them! ! That's right! Eye look good !!!

Freshkon lens are going at a cool $17 per box and if you buy 4 boxes or more, it cost only $16!!!... their delivery charges are at $3!

I will definitely purchase my colored lens from there, from now on! Beat the hassle of finding cheap colored lens in the neighbourhood! Hahahahaha

AND did I mention that they carried the ADORE dare series?!?!.. I love ADORE lenses!!! *hint hint

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