Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Maxim Contact Lens

Hey! I've finally managed to try my new Maxim Contact Lens, the blue box - Big Color Eyes in kiwi on Monday!
This is how the packaging looks like! SO CUTE right?!...

Aniways, here are the specs!
Diameter: 14.0mm
BC: 8.6mm
Water: 42%
Life span: 1 month

For a 14.0mm you can't really expect your eyes to be bigger, but for me, I don't really needed that cos I already own a pair of Geomedical lens if I wanted to enhance my IRIS!
I was so excited when I see the lens! I love the kiwi green! It looks like a kiwi doesn't it? And it comes with a limbal ring  which I adore!... so here's my honest review on these lenses!

COMFORT (9/10)
I have to say, the Geo Nudy lenses are much more comfortable compare to my Maxim contact lens. Its not that Maxim is super uncomfortable, but Geo Nudy lens are more comfortable. Though I managed to use it for more than 9 hrs and realised that my eyes were feeling very tired!

Cos I thought since it's not really a "circle lens" I could wear it more than 8 hrs.. I guessed it depends, cos for Freshkon colors, you can wear it to a max of 12hrs!

I love love love love love the design so much!

It has a very nice green which I love, and honestly this green is much lighter and brighter color compared to my Geo Nudy Soul - kiwi!!! The color is more vibrant!!! I thought I will never find any other green lens that can match my Geo Nudy Soul, but I was wrong!

This is probably my favourite pair of Kiwi green lens!!!

If you are thinking of buying these lens for enlargement, I will suggest you grab the Nudy Soul series or you can purchase the Maxim Contact Lens - the orange box series - Bigger Color Eyes! Their diameter is at least 14.5mm!

My sis is wearing the Big Gray and had tried the Big Brown before! It looks good on her!

Ok, camwhore time! 
What I like about these lens is that, the color is obvious, but its not like IN YOUR face kind!... Like my freshkon cool green, it was too opaque and even during the night people will notice that I'm wearing them. 

As for Maxim Contact Lens, Big eyes version - Kiwi, it's very subtle green and looks great, indoors, outdoors, the sun or during the night!

Just had a hair cut. I hated it when I trim my hair! Very difficult to manage! OKAY!... I'll have another review on a beauty product soon!

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